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Sample paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non hendrerit nunc, ut placerat erat. Nulla nec bibendum sapien, id volutpat urna. Vivamus aliquam sagittis risus nec sagittis. Nullam placerat diam lacus, id facilisis tellus tempus ut. Etiam pretium a tortor quis suscipit. In vitae leo ex. Pellentesque massa neque, mollis ac ex in, viverra venenatis felis. Vestibulum a augue nec mi tristique tincidunt nec eleifend tellus.


Same important statement in bold. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque tempus diam sem, a luctus massa cursus eu. Nam mattis ultricies luctus. Vestibulum blandit, arcu in aliquam sollicitudin, eros tortor pharetra risus, in maximus orci diam et nibh. 




Mix and Match (default format)

This format is the most flexible and allows players to decide and queue up together or with new partners. We currently have a white board to write your names down for match making, but we will soon move to a paddle rack system with paddle labels.


Winner Loser Split

This format will be introduced soon and will split player pairings after each match has ended. The winning pair will queue in a winner queue. The losing pair will queue in a loser queue. When a court is available, the 1st and 3rd paddles from the winner queue, and 1st and 2nd paddles from the loser queue will split such that each side is a 1 winner 1 loser pairing. This ensures new player pairings and an adequate mix of partners.


New formats will be introduced in the future...


All Open Play formats have a maximum of 6 players allocated per court. This ensures all players rotate, are able to play with new players, and have adequate time to rest. For example, if we open 3 courts to an Open Play session, we will have 18 available spots for that particular session. If the session is full and we see there are players on the waitlist, then we may open up additional courts depending if another court is available. 

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Court reservations are private court bookings that allow groups to only play within the players that are invited to show up. All courts have their own private seating areas where players can rest. All players are still required to be members, even as a guest of a court booking. Basic Membership is free.


This type of booking allows for players to decide how they want to play, should they want to play singles, mixed, or womens/mens only play. All court reservations can have a maximum 8 players per court. The possibilities are endless with your own private court reservation!

Where to Find Us

500 Terry Francine Street
San Francisco, CA 94158

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
​​Saturday: 10am - 2pm
​Sunday: Closed

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